Monica Matthews – Michigan – $100k+

Monica Matthews helped her three sons win over $100k in college scholarships – and now helps other desperate parents do the same!

Monica Matthews’ eldest son Josh was a senior in high school, investigating colleges, when she and her husband realized that they didn’t have any money saved up for college. As she was a stay-at-home mom, she contemplated going back to work to contribute towards her son’s tuition. Going back to work wasn’t exactly what she wanted, so she looked around for other options, and found one that was viable: scholarships.

Along her multi-year journey, she worked with her son to apply for and win over $100,000 in college scholarships. She also used her system to do the same for her other two sons, helping them graduate college without any debt. Monica shares the knowledge she gained, through her online business How2WinScholarships.

The Penny Hoarder did a fantastic article on Monica – which is actually how I initially came across her name and story. There’s really no need for me to regurgitate what’s already been said so well. Take some time and read through it. There’s a TON of good information in it, and I’ve already started to utilize and incorporate it into my process.

That being said, I did want to take some time to dive into Monica’s story and website. Here are some takeaways from my research:

You can apply for and win scholarships even while you’re already in college.

I was always under the impression that the start of college was the “deadline” for scholarships. Reading Monica’s story and digging deeper into the topic has made me realize that I was grossly mistaken. In reality, you can apply for scholarships at any time that you’re in school. In fact, there are even scholarships for graduate and PhD students, that can be applied for during those phases of study.

Everything about her website and how she communicates through it is really down-to-earth.

Like many of you, I’m very sensitive to sales pitches. I don’t like being “sold” something. I like purchasing something that I feel is a genuinely good product, not because of aggressive sales tactics, but because the product and it’s attributes speak for themselves.

Combing through Monica’s website, it doesn’t feel like she’s trying to sell you something. It doesn’t feel “pitch-y” or “gimmick-y” or “used-car-salesman”. It feels like she’s telling you what she did and inviting you to purchase her products in order to find out how to replicate the process for yourself.

The problem is, there is so much information out there that makes you feel overwhelmed. I believe that no parent should have to feel this way. I understand exactly what you are going through because I have been exactly where you are and that is why I share my step-by-step scholarship strategies in my ebooks. Here’s how they work: Parents and students read their versions of my ebooks to learn my SMART strategies and then come together to form a partnership in the scholarship process.

Monica Matthews, Founder of How 2 Win Scholarships (

She’s got an e-book (two actually) that covers the majority of her information.

She splits her information into two different e-books: 1 for the student and 1 for the parent. The idea is to show each side of the partnership what they can do to stand out in front of the judges. The price is very affordable, at $27 for each e-book, and $37 for both (a really nice discount for purchasing both products!) Truth be told, I’m actually getting thoughts of purchasing this myself and giving it a go, as I write this post. If I do, I think I’ll do review on it.

She’s got a TON of amazing reviews from folks that attribute their success to information they learned from her.

Monica’s got her own review page, and there are a LOT of reviews in it. And they’re believable, no fluff, just real reviews from parents and students on how they achieved more than they thought they were capable of, by simply reading and following her process and utilizing her methods. From the reviews, it feel like she makes winning scholarships an achievable endeavor, especially to everyday parents.

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